Puzzle Room Bangkok i กรุงเทพมหานคร

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ThailandPuzzle Room Bangkok



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21/8 Soi Sukhumvit 18, Khwaeng Khlong Toei, กรุงเทพมหานคร 10110, Tailandia
kontakter telefon: +66 63 939 9080
internet side: www.puzzleroombangkok.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 13.7319441, Longitude: 100.5629461

kommentar 5

  • Mako mori

    Mako mori


    This is the third escape room I've completed in Bangkok and is by far the best. The puzzles are unique, varied and challenging. The rooms have had a significant amount of effort put into them and prices are very reasonable.

  • Lakshi Joshi

    Lakshi Joshi


    Tricky mind game...my 8 year daughter enjoyed alot....we chose rob the bank ...we were able to complete the task in 65 minutes. The staff is very friendly and helps you if you get stuck ...great mind exercise...good on pocket too...a must have kids and adult experience if you come to Bangkok.... PS call them before you go they will certainly help you with the direction..just behind Rembrandt hotel...

  • en

    Pornchanok Kongsuwan


    Incredible experience! First time I played this kind of game, mind blowing recommended 100% loved it. Well done puzzle room, I'll be back 😎

  • en

    Aldona Andrasiuniene


    This is the BEST Escape Room that we've ever done! Cool puzzles and riddles I've never seen before. The production value alone is something to marvel at. Recommended definatly coming back for more.

  • Nicholas Romarin

    Nicholas Romarin


    Excellent experience. We have played rooms all over the world....and can highly recommend this company. We played Star Wars....and immediately went back to play their Lost room. Puzzles were well thought out and theming was excellent. The host was awesome and the company is conveniently located a short walk from the BTS. I would highly recommend visiting when coming through to Bangkok.

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