Dinosaur Planet i กรุงเทพมหานคร

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ThailandDinosaur Planet



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544/1, Sukhumvit Road, 10110, กรุงเทพมหานคร, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 63 167 6975
internet side: www.dinosaurplanet.net
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Latitude: 13.7323134, Longitude: 100.5663462

kommentar 5

  • Johan Tandanu

    Johan Tandanu


    600 Baht is definitely too pricey for this place. But it is an attraction on Sukhumvit. If they charge 300-400 it will be better, and they need to bring I professional theme park management unless they will tear this place down soon to make way for skyscrapers. Bring an umbrella because it is HOT with no trees and small amount of shades!

  • dinesh kumar

    dinesh kumar


    Lots n lots of dinosaurs..interesting videos 4d experience huge moving models of tens of dinosaurs. Amazing experience. Better to book tickets online than going right away makes a lot of difference in price. U must choose cool weather as many of the stuffs r outside . Very very interesting for kids and you must take your kids there

  • Nelis Bakker

    Nelis Bakker


    Little bit expensive but still nice to visit. They make nice for children, specially the raptor containers park where the children get a task after a movie that say all need to find hidden key to get out and safe. For children very realistic hihi. And on the back side they have free parking space. Nice to see within the hart of city. And when you pay with Bangkok bank card 30 % discount.

  • Honest Seeker

    Honest Seeker


    Recommend for kids from 1 years old to teenagers of 16 years old. Some adults may enjoy but it doesn't look like it's made for adults! They do have a food court but you can stamp your tickets to come back same day so you can always go out for lunch or early dinner and come back! It's not a huge park but it's not tiny! You have to pay a base price tickets to enter and that's enough but some people choose to pay extra to ride some dinosaurs race track and the aquatic wheel ride! There are shows at specific timings so make sure you check the show times so you can catch them! Looks like the park is sponsored by Bangkok bank as there are many Bangkok bank ATM machines inside and lots of Bangkok bank logos and advertisements but guess what, they do NOT accept credit cards for ticket purchase!! Everything in the park had to be paid in cash except for the gift shop which did accept credit cards! Will post some pictures and videos! Enjoy!

  • Franck Courtes

    Franck Courtes


    Rather disappointed to be honest. It is quite pricey but the place is quite small, some activities may be quite scary for toddlers and some activities have to pay extra to do like the panoramic wheel. We found the best activity to do was the walk through the dinosaurs walk and take pictures. On some dinosaurs, the kids can sit on them. We went one time but we will not go a second time unless it would be much cheaper. Not worth the price.

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