Molly Fantasy & Kidzooona at Gateway Ekamai i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

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ThailandMolly Fantasy & Kidzooona at Gateway Ekamai



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Sukhumvit Road, 10110, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 2 108 2652
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Latitude: 13.71862, Longitude: 100.585446

kommentar 5

  • Pheng Hong Tan

    Pheng Hong Tan


    Good value especially after 6pm entry for kids ...(THB 200 for older kids, 120 for below 105cm and THB60 for adults during weekdays) Variety of inclusive activities inside kidzoona to keep kids entertained both the very young and the older single digit age-group.

  • Russ T

    Russ T


    Absolutely amazing place for the kids. Everything was very clean and new, with no showing off wearing like most kids play centres do. Highly recommend this place

  • Janyaphon Tojor

    Janyaphon Tojor


    Great place but very cold Aircon. And a little to expensive. Better put the time on with lower price. So not many kids just sleep there all day.🤣 there are some small things in the ball pool sometime.

  • en

    Jack Kelly


    Great place for kids. BUT BE AWARE : I know little ones who play there often get sick - very sick - from exposure to common viruses. This is fairly common at all playgrounds, pre-schools, and the like. I cannot say Kidzoona is worse than others but I do know that a little boy who plays there often has gotten very sick twice and a cold rhinovirus twice.

  • Samia Eid

    Samia Eid


    great place for kids .. you have to wear your socks before you go there. i took my kids to kidzoona in pattaya, phuket and bangkok.

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