Rockin' Jump TH i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

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ThailandRockin' Jump TH



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428, Ratchadaphisek Road, 10120, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 2 212 0222
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Latitude: 13.6968563, Longitude: 100.535827

kommentar 5

  • Michael Braun

    Michael Braun


    Although it is a little pricey, it's a great place that allows kids to get rid of excess energy. There is a free jump area, a foam pit, a slam dunk court and a dodgeball area. The staff are attentive and make sure the rules are followed. They also have secluded areas for birthday parties. If you come for the first time, you need to sign up for an account, which takes a few minutes, so you should arrive well before your booked time.

  • en



    This place was a ton of fun. I'm an adult and went with friends and we were definitely the only adults there. It's mainly for kids as you probably guessed but we had a good time playing dodge ball and taking out little ones. Don't pay for more than an hour unless your training for the Olympics. This place will have you exhausted after 20 minutes. Would be nice if they had a water fountain or a shower because you sweat a lot.

  • en

    Vivat Viratthanant


    Fun for kids, but nothing much for those who are waiting. Food is bland and a bit expensive.

  • Анастасия НеоЭзотерик

    Анастасия НеоЭзотерик


    Отличный центр, со своим крытым паркингом. Все на высоком уровне, отдельное спасибо сотрудникам, вежливый и доброжелательный персонал.

  • Tapan Bhagat

    Tapan Bhagat


    Good one for kids and young people. Safe and secured playing facilities. Very friendly staff. They give train8ng for safe playing techniques to all who goes inside to play. Socks required to procure first time at least. Second visit onwards advised to bring back the already procured socks otherwise you may end up paying more. Cost is high but worth visiting place. Food available. But vegetarian options are pretty limited.

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