The Old Palace Resort i พระนครศรีอยุธยา

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ThailandThe Old Palace Resort



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1/35 Moo.5 Tavasukree, Ayutthaya, อำเภอ พระนครศรีอยุธยา พระนครศรีอยุธยา 13000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 88 693 0111
internet side:
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Latitude: 14.36361, Longitude: 100.559706

kommentar 5

  • Araceli Torres

    Araceli Torres


    muy lindo lugar muy amplio y limpio, muy barato y en un ecosistema selvático, encantador realmente!

  • Julia Vize

    Julia Vize


    Great little place to stay at a great rate. The rooms are small, but comfortable. Breakfast is decent for the price (you get 3 choices and it's made to order for 100thb). You can also rent scooters and bicycles here to get around. The lady at the front desk speaks and little English which definitely helped. Sadly, they don't accept credit cards, only cash and there is no ATM nearby.

  • Mandy Phan

    Mandy Phan


    We enjoyed our stay at this hotel very much. All the staff were friendly and helpful. They warmed our hearts upon arrival. The hotel receptionist was very helpful, she recommended some good places to visit and eat as well. The room was quite good. The shower was nice and it is very quick to get hot water in it. They change our pillows after we asked to get smaller ones. You can rent a motorbike for 250 a day or a bike for 50 a day. Tuk tuk cost 200 for 1 hour and 1,000 for one day which is the same price that is charged outside of the hotel. We had to wait for the train until 9 p.m. but the hotel still welcomed us and served us well. At first I thought they didn't have a restaurant but they can serve you food if you ask for it. We ordered our dinner before we got on the train. It's a lovely and nice hotel to stay in Ayutthaya. We did enjoy our time at Ayutthaya and the hotel is one of our reasons. Would love to come back if we visit Ayutthaya again.

  • en

    Smith Sakkamjorn


    Quiet and comfortable place which close to historical park.

  • en

    Mucheng Liu



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