คิวโซนบูทีครีสอร์ต i ตำบล ท่าวาสุกรี

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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65/1 ถ.หน้าวัดพระเมรุ-วัดเชิงท่า ตำบล ท่าวาสุกรี Amphoe Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Chang Wat Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 13000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 89 696 4338
internet side: www.qzoneboutique.com
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Latitude: 14.362226, Longitude: 100.557906

kommentar 5

  • en

    danai wijitnaphasan


    It is the good resort with local style, big room and clean but It isn’t expensive, one good thing is breakfast you will get A La Carte Thai and international style and western buffet.

  • Ricardo Massano

    Ricardo Massano


    Exelent staff. The lady that does breakfast is the highest point. Nice rooms. The only downside is that is a little far (a couple of minutes more biking) from the center.

  • Armanda Martins

    Armanda Martins


    I had the best stay in Thailand. Very Nice and cozy place. Very clean. Very good breakfast. Lovely and kind people.

  • Eddie Smith

    Eddie Smith


    Superb service from really really helpful staff. Location is excellent and the accommodation comfortable with everything needed (including free open WiFi!) I have stayed in far far more expensive and overtly luxurious places but would have zero hesitation in returning to the lads at Q Zone.

  • en

    Milo Pesl


    We, a couple of 60, spent 2 nights here and rate it 5 stars for its friendly staff, cleanliness, relative quietness - occasional barking dog at night, breakfast, and value for money. The queen size beds are on the harder side. It is on the west side of the world heritage site. The nearest Wat is 1 min across the road and it is possible to walk to island Wats if you go right of Utong road through the compound of the University - an iron gate should not scare you. Free bicycles are great option offered by the owners - they were in a good working order. Tuk tuk offers asked for 70 - 80 Baht to the town centre about 2.4 km away but this was negotiated down.

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