Ayothaya Hotel i Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya

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ThailandAyothaya Hotel



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Ho Rattanachai, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 13000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 35 907 600
internet side: www.ayothayahotel.com
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Latitude: 14.359286, Longitude: 100.57772

kommentar 5

  • Madhukar Dhuri

    Madhukar Dhuri


    30 minutes walking distance from the ayotthaya historical park. ok budget hotel.

  • Gunta Bradley

    Gunta Bradley


    It’s a great budget hotel. The lobby was spacious and it is in a great location. Breakfast was basic, but varied enough. The pool is large and you get pool towels.

  • en

    Anne Murphy


    I really didn't like this hotel at all but it is central and close to things. The hotel is in need of refurbishment, very dark and dreary interior. Breakfast was pretty awful and would never have used the milk they served up! Looked curdled and disgusting. Staff were helpful though

  • Linda Sorensen

    Linda Sorensen


    Inexpensive, needs maintenance. We stayed for one night, which was plenty! Lobby smells of moth balls (? insect control?). Our toilet needed maintenance, ran after a flush due to flapper valve staying open. Leak around base of toilet. Time zone clocks over lobby desk missing two clocks, five posted, all the wrong time! This hotel needs a major renovation. Bar & restaurant not open.

  • Jan Verheyleweghen

    Jan Verheyleweghen


    Dated hotel which was a grand hotel in the old days, but today it's just an old hotel. Does not provide any service or breakfast. Staff is just fine, but they don't seem to care about their guests. When I was here they closed the swimmingpool for maintainance but I never see somebody working there. At least the room was clean and the aircon was working. Slow Wifi.

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