The Paradiso JK Design Hotel i NS

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandThe Paradiso JK Design Hotel


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188/1 Moo.10, Nakhonsawan-Phisanulope Road, Nakhonsawantok, ตำบล ปากน้ำโพ อำเภอเมืองนครสวรรค์ NS 60000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 56 221 123
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Latitude: 15.7035608, Longitude: 100.1210767

kommentar 5

  • Anak Surasarang

    Anak Surasarang


    Best ever value for money! Big and clean room, with friendly staff. Pity there is no safe/security box/locker in a room. Located conveniently close to all that matters in the city, but can be noisy with cars in the road, but here is a small town, not so crowded on the road all the time like Bangkok, so it is fine. No fitness, no swimming pool, but best value for money still.

  • Daniel Spears

    Daniel Spears


    Friendly staff however it is attached to a sleazy brothel/bar. Loud music at night and seedy advertisements in the lifts. Wouldn't go back here.

  • David M Clarke

    David M Clarke


    Black mould growing in bathroom shower. Noisy air conditioner. Lots of smiles, but no apology. I will not stay there again

  • Joram Hirsch

    Joram Hirsch


    A Nice, clean and modern hotel with good Wi-Fi. The breakfast was great.

  • Pat Wipatron

    Pat Wipatron


    This hotel is very close to the city center with access to night life pubs and bars. The place itself is clean and the staffs were friendly. Only draw back was it being too closed to a pub and so it was noisy. However, deep sleepers will get through the night with no problem.

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