Hotel Aramis i Nakhon Sawan

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ThailandHotel Aramis



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Pak Nam Pho, Mueang Nakhon Sawan District, Nakhon Sawan 60000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 56 222 699
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Latitude: 15.696461, Longitude: 100.128447

kommentar 5

  • Natchapakorn Saihassadee

    Natchapakorn Saihassadee


    Good place to stay over night

  • Chutikarn Sriprat

    Chutikarn Sriprat


    Clean room ,good service

  • yhanyahn embile

    yhanyahn embile


    We stayed at Aramis during the Peak of the Chinese New Year, and it was packed! The façade of the hotel stands out, compared to the other competitors. But, there's a catch--- the facilities are mostly for show purposes only. This hotel is kinda Like North Korea, they show you what you want to see. LOCATION: - Strategic! - Walking distance from the temple - Heart of the Chinese Festival SWIMMING POOL: - small & shallow; looks more like a highly sophisticated pond - situated outside the main front door of the hotel. In between the restaurant and the main hotel building. It literally faces the parking lot. - It's almost useless and extremely unsanitary, because of where it is situated. RESTAURANT: - beautiful, both in and out - Are they open? - yes! - Are they open to serve customers? -No! - They only serve breakfast buffet. BREAKFAST BUFFET: - Extremely basic: feel free to see the attached picture. - All displayed in a quarter-size (1/4) of the normal stainless buffet serving trays, despite the hotel being packed with guests. (by they way, they look a lot in the attached pix, but trust me- they're not!) - Cold food - Because the restaurant is packed, the staff just displayed the sliced bread in its original packaging. -that's fine tho! LOBBY: - Very Clean - Beautiful decorations - Spacious; lots of sofas & sitting area - They sell cheap beverages! You can just grab one from the fridge and pay at the front desk counter. - The Lift is not bad either, clean & full of mirrors! =) STAFF: - There were multiple Front Office Personnel, however, not everyone seemed to know they were supposed to know. - Example #1: I bought a root beer, paid for me and was charged almost double the price. I had to take a picture of the price, so she would give me a refund of whatever excess I paid for. - Example #2: One FO lady, didn't know that there were 4 of us in the room. My daughters, my husband and myself. She indirectly accused me of not registering my kids and asked to pay for their breakfast, when in fact, they didn't coz they always wake up very late, especially during holidays. I was ballistics- I told her to check the registration paper and the reservation email I sent! - Example # 3: Since there were 4 of us in the room, and only 2 pillows; 1 for each bed, I requested for 2 more pillows. They said, they didn't have any extras, but I could rent a pillow for 50 Baht each! WHAT?! PILLOWS FOR RENT?! (Amongst the many places we've been to, never have I experienced this before!) - The bellboys are deadbeats! There were about 2-3 of them. There was only 1 who helped in opening the door and assisted in parking. The other 2 were just there, playing with their mobile phones or if not, were just sitting. One afternoon, when I went back to the hotel, my arms were full of shopping bags, the 2 lazy bellboys who were around, didn't even bother to help in opening the door. They just looked at me and went back to what they did best - play in their mobile phones. They seem to have lost their compassion for others. ROOMS: - Very Spacious - Spotless Clean - Nice beds - Free Water - Working Desk & Wall-mounted TV - Toilet was also very clean and they have all the basic toiletries, plus hot and cold shower. - I LIKED IT! Would I check-in here again, if we were to go back to Nakhon Sawan? I would, but this wouldn't be my first choice and only if the other hotels were fully booked. Would I recommend it? - For a night, Sure! Just a piece of advise. The ONLY thing that you should expect is a nice spacious, clean room. - If you are a person who likes to have more than ONE pillow, look the other way. - If you like literal authenticity, look the other way. - If you like good food, look the other way. - If you cannot speak Thai, look the other way.

  • Adam Briles

    Adam Briles


    This place could easily be rated 5 stars. Very clean, well maintained, excellent service from very polite staff. The price I paid on Agoda was more than worth it for the rooms we got. Excellent value. However, one major problem for me, hence the 3 star rating. My shower only had hot and cold water. The shower fixture was unable to blend the water to make it warm. I could only use purely hot or cold water. Not sure if this is the case for every room, but my friends staying on another floor said their shower was the same. The breakfast was very unimpressive, but not really a problem for me since I never eat hotel breakfasts. The coffee at breakfast was great, very smooth and dark...great with milk. Overall Hotel Aramis is one of the best in Nakhon Sawan. I didn't see other reviews mention any problems with the shower like mine. But this was a big issue for me.

  • ThoMinh CuuLong

    ThoMinh CuuLong


    Good location and nice room lovely, feel sorry no comb in this

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