The Cavalli Casa Resort i Ayutthaya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandThe Cavalli Casa Resort



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Søndagåben 24 timer
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139/1-2 Moo 2 Bankao, 13000, Ayutthaya, Ayutthaya, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 35 881 222
internet side:
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Latitude: 14.3836899, Longitude: 100.592957

kommentar 5

  • Luandri Kriel

    Luandri Kriel


    Clean neat place about 3km from heritage site.

  • Djurdje Spasojevic

    Djurdje Spasojevic


    Nice rooms. No pool.

  • en

    Hu Moriex


    the sound insulation is very bad and wake me up in the very early morning. not recommand

  • Novie Surya

    Novie Surya


    The rooms are clean and staffs are friendly. This hotel was rated 4 stars while when we stayed there but the facilities like swimming pool, or fitness center weren't available. Maybe it has potential to expand more since the location is strategic and the place is good for family vacation.

  • en

    Myranda Fairbridge


    My husband and I stayed for one night. The staff was very welcoming, and they speak English fluently. Our room was clean, and the air conditioner worked great- a proper working air con machine is very important in this heat! They provide a lock for your door when you are gone during the day. The hostel has a relaxed atmosphere. There doesn't seem to be too many rooms so it's quiet that way. There is no roof in the common area, it is an open concept. The breeze is nice. The beds ans pillows are very comfortable. The only complaint that we have about this hostel is the plumbing- if you put any tissue in the toilet, it will clog and not flush. Even when we had to do our business without putting tissue in, it still got clogged. Other than this, we had no issues. We felt very safe since there was 24 hour staff on watch. We also bought the package that included free bike rental. There is a night market that starts around 4pm just a few blocks down to the left. Thank you Casa Ayutthaya.

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