Thai Orchid Village Resort i Laem chanbang

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandThai Orchid Village Resort



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141/2 MU, Laem chanbang, อำเภอ ศรีราชา กระบี่ 20230, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 85 256 0771
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Latitude: 13.094189, Longitude: 100.932909

kommentar 5

  • en

    justin rose


    Great place, nice owner Thai &American. , nice Swimming pool and the best Pizza in town 😁

  • en

    Theresa Schanne


    We stayed here 2 nights and everything was lovely. The bed was comfortable and the pool and gardens were beautiful. The owners anf staff were froendly and helpful. Delicious pizza too!

  • Neo LothongKum

    Neo LothongKum


    Thai American owner very nice place

  • Victoria Covert

    Victoria Covert


    This was by far the best meal I have had in Thailand in the 5 weeks I have been here. The food is outstanding. The owners are wonderful people. An American/Thai couple, Louis and Nudi are such amazing hosts. The kitchen is spin and span clean, the cleanest I have seen in all of Thailand. They even had a clay pizza oven where they craft thin crust pizzas just like you can get in New York. We had the hawaiian and thai pizzas. They were both off the charts great! The pineapple fried rice, glass noodle with prawns, and stir fried cabbage were some of my other favorite dishes. The portions are huge and everything is served family style. A great overall experience. I would highly recommend to anyone!

  • Marty Eigner

    Marty Eigner


    Bed and breakfast budget value but excellent condition. Air conditioning, LCD TV, satellite TV, wifi and more. Highly recommended!

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