Avana Laemchabang Boutique Hotel i Chang Wat Chon Buri

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandAvana Laemchabang Boutique Hotel


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110/9, Laem Thong Road, 20230, Amphoe Si Racha, Chang Wat Chon Buri, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 38 490 750
internet side: www.avanahotel.com
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Latitude: 13.0885616, Longitude: 100.9239832

kommentar 5

  • en

    กิตติ วีรกุลนิยม


    Bad and selfish business! They do the Chinese tourist's bus parking in the center of village, This make trouble to the villagers.

  • en

    Andor Murberg


    Big clean rooms, great value for your money!

  • Diyan Ho

    Diyan Ho


    The place is old but is well maintained. Clean bedsheets

  • kian wee chau

    kian wee chau


    This hotel has good Wifi signal in the room. The room was comfortable and spacy. The swimming pool closes at 10pm. Breakfast buffet was provided. But choices were limited. It took long time to clear the used plates from tables. Fruits were not refilled during my breakfast time (I had no time to wait.)

  • Pattanasak Uewichitrapochana

    Pattanasak Uewichitrapochana


    The hotel looks fine on the outside, hallways look a bit old, but the room is very clean and spacious. The location is kinda hard to get to but with this price, I'm not complaining.

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