Tarntip massage i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

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ThailandTarntip massage



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131/8-9 ซอยสุขุมวิท7/1 ถนนสุขุมวิท แขวงคลองเตย เขตคลองเตย กทม 10110 Khwaeng Khlong Toei Nuea, Khet Watthana, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10110, Tailandia
kontakter telefon: +66 81 875 6362
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Latitude: 13.741042, Longitude: 100.555565

kommentar 5

  • Odin BKK

    Odin BKK


    To go to a massage place is always a bit of a lottery. If you lucky the person massaging is talented and you both feel good. If unlucky you get a beginner at the job or someone who is just doing the routine without talent. Tarntip is around for a long time already. The place is clean and professional. Here you get a real health massage without getting hassled to pay more for an erotic massage which you will experience in any other place in this street. I would have wished for a little more empathy which I think is important doing massage.

  • en

    Nisa Shafeqa


    The first time i came the massager is very good. The next day i come to massage again i get different person. The lady is quite old than the others and wearing spectacle. She doesn't have good skills in massaging and when i request to massage me harder she gets annoyed and give bad service. She talks a lot and massage like a kid. You didnt get to relax or feel her massage. She also massage me faster than other. I’m the one who start later than my sister as i went to the toilet but I'm the one who finish first. Try to avoid her in the future. Hope she gets fire.

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    Edmund Ching


    Very good massage. Especially the foot massages. Foot massages on the first floor has the noise from the street blocked out, but if you go for body massages, you'll be brought upstairs where the street noise can be heard. Their Thai massage really go for the knots on your back, might be painful for those with low pain tolerance, but I'd believe this is good kind of pain.

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    Jameses Dean


    Traditional thai massage parlour, i love the experience of going from the street (party time) to a place of serenity. The cost is reasonable compared to the uk prices.

  • 조수현



    일단 직원들 끼리 말을 너무많이해서 마사지에 집중하지않았음 아프다고 하는데도 웃으면서 더 세게함 그리고 일정하게 왼쪽 오른쪽 하지않음 전혀 프로의 면이 없음 그냥 까페에서 아는 언니가 대충해주는게 더 나은듯

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