NEWTON EM Physiotherapy Bangkok (นิวตัน เอ็ม คลินิกกายภาพบำบัด) i Bangkok

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ThailandNEWTON EM Physiotherapy Bangkok (นิวตัน เอ็ม คลินิกกายภาพบำบัด)



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อาคาร พร้อม พันธุ์ 3 ชั้น 3 ห้อง 311 ถนน ลาดพร้าว, ซอย 3, จอมพล, จตุจักร, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 99 553 9445
internet side:
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Latitude: 13.811981, Longitude: 100.564134

kommentar 5

  • Kev Wun

    Kev Wun


    Been a few times and it’s an excellent place to go for treatment. They focus on fixing the issues quickly and give you advice on long term solutions by doing specific exercises and/or adjusting the way you move. All advice given is logical, easy to understand and means that I can reduce the likelihood of regular visits. Most importantly, although they are a business their treatments are lower than the prices I’ve paid at other places in the city, the quality of their care is exceptional and I there is less concern that they’ve run over the one hour time limit. They genuinely seem focused on making sure you’re better.

  • en

    San Simasuwanrong


    So good.

  • Suresh Menon

    Suresh Menon


    My therapist, Mr Teeradeit was a consummate professional - knowledgeable, attentive, thorough and very caring. He took his time to ascertain what my issues were, painstakingly identified the areas that needed work, and went about trying to alleviate my discomfort/pain. There was a very noticeable improvement in my range of movement, and an alleviation of my pain by the end of the session. Newton EM Physiotherapy is a excellent centre, run very professionally. Right from the point I made an appointment online, to when I completed my treatment, it was a hassle-free and pleasant experience. I definitely recommend this place if you are looking for a cost-effective, professional and therapeutic experience.

  • Christian Hogue

    Christian Hogue


    No unnecessary cracking.. very professional

  • en

    Gary London


    Professional treatment, very knowledgeable, Highly Recommend. My injury has gone, thank you so much for your help.

nærmeste Fysioterapeut

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