Tao Poon i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandTao Poon


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558, ประชาราษฎร์ สาย 2, 10800, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66
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Latitude: 13.8061116, Longitude: 100.5309119

kommentar 5

  • Wittaya Wongvatanyu

    Wittaya Wongvatanyu


    The station is spacious and quite clean. Has restrooms in case you need it. Though there are two things that they should improve. To topup my card, the night shift asked me toet out of the exit to enter the checkpoint AND they demand checking my belongings again. How am i supposed to produce anything illegal during that two seconds? Also, dotard (I mean security guards - it's spell checker's fault) on the platform keep blowing whistle right next to your ear even though safety gates are installed, hurting your ears until you reach whatever destination.

  • TheRDMagee



    A poorly thought out disaster. Perhaps, once the 'Missing Link' issue is solved, I'll come back and rerate it, but for now, its a huge letdown. Edit:. Rating revised. An extra star as the 'missing link' issue has been resolved, and an extra star as there is a real nice toilet on the entrance level. Edit 2: first the toilet, I said it was nice before but having a stomach emergency this morning and putting it to use, I have to say it's the best toilet I have ever used in a transit facility in my life. Clean, well thought out, and they have a water hose for cleaning yourself. Second, now that the missing like is gone and the blue line connects, it's obvious that the station platforms are just not wide enough. Further, the purple line just doesn't run enough trains to efficiently connect with the blue. I know nothing will be done, but something should.

  • Kaweerat Sungkarat

    Kaweerat Sungkarat


    Ver crowded during rush hour. Peak hour is between 7.30-8.30 AM. You may have to wait two trains so that you can enter. First metro station to have a built-in toilet. It's under escalator near ticket box.

  • Thanasit Leuangsupornpong

    Thanasit Leuangsupornpong


    The blue line now terminates at this station making this station becomes an interchange station between the purple line and the blue line. (After waited for 1 year) Very convenient!

  • hereNAT Review

    hereNAT Review


    All things almost great excepted that every purple MRT stations have no seat for elder or others who wait the train. By the way, i'm loving the services of every officers. :)

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