Ratchathewi i Bangkok

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Thanon Phetchaburi, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66
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Latitude: 13.7519021, Longitude: 100.5315385

kommentar 5

  • Varot Darasom

    Varot Darasom


    Just another BTS station. It's usually not crowded here. It also connect to the Asia Hotel so it will be convenient for those who stay there. Other than Monday there are many street foods and 7-Eleven near the station, tourists might want to check them out. Another side of the station are full of pubs, bars, and decent restaurants.

  • Simen Øst

    Simen Øst


    Efficient station. The security people are welcoming and helpful.

  • en

    Chatchai Phojjanaporn


    Get off this Ratchathewi BTS for walking to Pantip plaza and Prathoonam area

  • Iriedred Kay

    Iriedred Kay


    I was actually a fan of this station except for the stairs, not so many escalators. It is clean as are most BTS Stations and this is the line you want to take out out to the Weekend Market. Even on Weekend Market days I don't find this to be a really busy BTS Station, actually I think it's one of the less busy of the stations I have visited. Standard ticket selling machines are the easiest way to get tickets usually without waiting. There aren't so many places to stop and grab a drink or a snack so you may want to get something to drink or nosh on before you head up to this BTS station. It could have changed by now, but you might want to be on the safe side, especially if you are taking a longer ride out to the market and the prices would probably be a little cheaper here than waiting to buy something at the Markets' BTS Station. This BTS Station is also just outside of the craziness of the shopping mall area madness at the major intersection area just south of the station. Also, I found it to be on an excellent bus line , I think it is number #16 which leads across town pretty speedily to the Samsen and Th. Si Autthaya Road intersections in the Dusit area which has the Thewet neighborhood right off of the westerly side of Samsen.

  • en

    David Graham


    This is closest BTS to famed Pantip Plaza for all things electronic...About 10 min walk or via motorcycle taxi. Also mini entertainment area with bars, cafes and restaurants beside the BTS.

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