Saphan Taksin i Bangkok

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandSaphan Taksin


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Yan Nawa, Sathon, Bangkok 10120, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66
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Latitude: 13.7187917, Longitude: 100.5140765

kommentar 5

  • en

    Steven Tai


    This is a outdoor night market restaurant behind Robinson super store. Yummy fried rice and deep fried fish.

  • en

    Phil Colsan


    Actually, I want to point out a problem on the map. But just can't figure out how. My starting point was Stephan Taksin bts station. Destination was Asiatique. But your map shows that I needed to walk so far back, uturn back, then only turn into the road to Asiatique. Which is an error. Please refer to my attachments. Also, your suggested "driving" direction for the same place I'm going to was ti make a big loop before getting to Asiatique, when the road Asiatique is in, is a 2 way street. Could have just turn into the road and no need for the big loop.

  • Akmal Alfarizi

    Akmal Alfarizi


    The station that is interchanged with Central pier of chao praya river boat. It is very clean and the signs are pretty clear. Be aware around rush hour because every corner is very crowded.

  • Aviation Expert- -

    Aviation Expert- -


    Convenient BTS station. Easy access to Chayo Phraya river and shopping stores.

  • Ruamchitt Travelodge Hotel

    Ruamchitt Travelodge Hotel


    Transit spot to explore Chaophraya River by boat! Convenient gateway to Bangkok outskirt and Asiatique. No traffic jam! Reasonable price!

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