Mee Dee Grand i Tambon Choeng Noen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandMee Dee Grand


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036/24 Ratsadorn Banrung Road, Choeng Noen, Mueang Tambon Choeng Noen, Rayong Chang Wat Rayong 21000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 62 226 9629
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Latitude: 12.6801467, Longitude: 101.2642032

kommentar 5

  • พงศธร วัฒนนภาเกษม
  • Giuseppe Guerra

    Giuseppe Guerra


  • th

    SAwettanan Saengchart


    บรรยากาศสุดยอด อาหารอร่อย

  • kiza marie ganda

    kiza marie ganda


    The owner and staff here is approachable and most of all they never loose their smiles when they face you. You will feel very safe inside and outside the facility. The rooms are nice, clean and spacious but not expensive which makes it the best to stay. You can also rent a motorbike here if you want to tour around the city for 1 day.

  • en

    Kurtis Bechtel


    300B for a room, sink doesn't drain, mold on the ceiling, bed is not great, inexpensive, nice staff, the free tea is good

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