Izen Budget Hotel & Residence i ตำบลเนินพระ

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandIzen Budget Hotel & Residence


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47/15, ถนน ราษฎร์บำรุง, 21000, ตำบลเนินพระ, อำเภอเมืองระยอง, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 38 616 523
internet side: www.izenbudgethotel.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.6798208, Longitude: 101.2641216

kommentar 5

  • rungsun kotcharut

    rungsun kotcharut


    Clean room comfort worth

  • Cherokee C

    Cherokee C


    Modern hotel with a large room, VERY comfortable bed, hot shower, free reliable WiFi, air conditioning & brilliant curtain design that blocks nearly all light out of the room for those of us that like to sleep late.

  • Alexandre Werkoff

    Alexandre Werkoff


    Budget hotel easy to access. Quiet and clean. Provides all the basic amenities. A verygood option if you just need a place to sleep fora night or two. Prices are very attractive as well. The only issue (big one) is that the carpark entrance is used by vans and pick ups forcing you to exit through a mazeof narrow twisted paths. Good luck to exit without scratching your car!

  • en

    Kurtis Bechtel


    450B for a room. Reception was mostly absent, breakfast was toast and instant coffee, room was nice and clean

  • Tony Basy

    Tony Basy


    The best hotel in Rayong's Downtown for those with tight budget. The room is clean, but no hair dryer and slippers.

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