Luang Chumni Village i พระนครศรีอยุธยา

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ThailandLuang Chumni Village


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2/4 Rojana Road, Pratoochai, ตำบล ประตูชัย อำเภอ พระนครศรีอยุธยา พระนครศรีอยุธยา 13000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 35 322 990
internet side:
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Latitude: 14.351751, Longitude: 100.572259

kommentar 5

  • en

    Installer TAH


    This place is really nice and peaceful. one thing I don't like is the bathroom are out side the guest room and it's not convince to go outside for toilet during night time

  • Michael Roach

    Michael Roach


    Super friendly staff, cute rooms, nice breakfast. No complaints! I'd happily stay here again.

  • Shruty Reddy

    Shruty Reddy


    Quite an attractive and comfortable place to stay, except the washroom is in downstairs. Very nice breakfast was provided and the host is helpful by giving proper advice in getting around. If possible hire a tuktuk through the host in order to be safe and not get cheated by the prices.

  • David Porter

    David Porter


    A great stay with warm Thai hospitality. Would recommend completely for travellers who like comfort and service at a reasonable price. Night market 5 mins walk away for good food.

  • John Dyer-Causton

    John Dyer-Causton


    An excellent Thai style guest house - which some westerners may not appreciate. Family run business, with friendly owner s and staff. Walking distance to some of the sites - and bikes for hire. Presently developing the site.

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