Limobus || Bangkok Airport i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

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ThailandLimobus || Bangkok Airport



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ท่าอากาศยานดอนเมือง terminal 2 ประตู 14. 222 ถ.วิภาวดีรังสิต สนามบิน ดอนเมือง Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10210, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 99 191 8800
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Latitude: 13.916822, Longitude: 100.601624

kommentar 5

  • Richard Hatherill

    Richard Hatherill


    DO NOT USE. We were promised a stop only to be told after and hour and a half driving around Bangkok that the bus would not stop there and we were abandoned in the middle of the city.

  • ko

    Youngha Kim


    NEVER EVER TAKE THIS TO GO PHAYA THAI. It simply passes the station and go khaosan road first and spending soooo many time on the road. Just take A1 to mochit and take the BTS. Its Shitttty shiitt. 카오산으로 가실게 아니면 절대로 타지마세요. 돈만 날리고 시간도 날리고 남은게 일도 없어요. 그냥 30바트로 A1타세요 하아...

  • Maria Trujillo

    Maria Trujillo


    We were supposed to be the first stop but driver wasn’t paying attention and passed it going all the way to Chinatown then having to back track. Lost a lot of time stuck in traffic. Company needs to better train communication between desk and drivers.

  • en

    liav tagari


    They said the bus will leave immediately, but it took around one hour until we left the airport. The bus was slow and it took us more time than public transportation (according to google maps). NOT recommended.

  • en

    Anne D' traveller


    As soon as u land in DMK head down to gate 14.. There is A stall available in gate 7.. All airport staff will tell u to wait in gate 7 as the bus will be coming "soon". Only to see the bus roll by in front of us. When we googled limobus as we were waiting, we found out that pick up location is gate 14.. It dropped as in khaosan as planned.. I didn't mind the travelling time as i had fallen asleep.

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