Don Mueang International Airport i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

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ThailandDon Mueang International Airport


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222, Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, 10210, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 2 535 1111
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Latitude: 13.9132602, Longitude: 100.6041987

kommentar 5

  • Aviation Expert- -

    Aviation Expert- -


    Don Mueang International Airport (DMK) has two terminals. Terminal 1 is used for international flights and Terminal 2 for domestic flights. Keep that in mind, please. Don Mueang International Airport is considered to be one of the world's oldest international airports and Asia's oldest operating airport. We never have problems and no long lines! Always a pleasant experience. What disappoints us are the prices of food and drinks because they are sky high!

  • Pranava Vasisht

    Pranava Vasisht


    This airport is really small comparatively.but pretty good places where tea,coffee, smoothy,etc are available There is a separate place for smoking. Everywhere washrooms are available,everywhere shops, stores,spas,saloons,food ,restaurants,McDonald's are available. All kinds if food and beverages are available. Its way too expensive in here. This place is mat finished. And air Asia flights land here from india and Singapore airlines. There is a good approach to this airport. Huge area. Amazing people. Comfortable infrastructure. Everywhere sign boards and many TV screens are put up for better way. There is all kinds of restaurants too like Fuji restaurant, Thai restaurant etc.

  • R.K. Kshetri

    R.K. Kshetri


    Don Mueang International Airport (Thai: ท่าอากาศยานดอนเมือง, pronounced [dɔ̄ːn mɯ̄a̯ŋ], or colloquially as Thai: สนามบินดอนเมือง, pronounced [sā.nǎːm.bīn.dɔ̄ːn.mɯ̄a̯ŋ]) (IATA: DMK, ICAO: VTBD) (aka Bangkok International Airport) is one of two international airports serving Greater Bangkok, the other one being Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK). The airport is considered to be one of the world's oldest international airports and Asia's oldest operating airport.[2] It was officially opened as a Royal Thai Air Force base on 27 March 1914, although it had been in use earlier. Commercial flights began in 1924, making it one of the world's oldest commercial airports. The first commercial flight was an arrival by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.[3] Don Mueang Airport was closed and replaced by the new Suvarnabhumi Airport in 2006, before reopening on 24 March 2007 after renovations. Since the opening of the new airport, it has become a regional commuter flight hub and the de facto low-cost airline hub. In 2015, it became the world's largest low cost carrier airport.[4] Don Mueang was an important hub of Asia and the hub of Thai Airways International prior to its closure. At its peak, it served most[clarification needed] air traffic for the entire country, with 80 airlines operating 160,000 flights and handling over 38 million passengers and 700,000 tons of cargo in 2004. It was then the 14th busiest airport in the world and 2nd in Asia by passenger volume. Currently, Don Mueang is the main hub for Nok Air, Thai AirAsia, Thai Lion Air, and Orient Thai Airlines.

  • Victor Corbin

    Victor Corbin


    The airport is a hot mess and the International Terminal needs to be renovated ASAP. They should not allow more flights until it is able to handle them efficiently. I only use it to due to the lower airfares. They also need to separate tour groups entirely from regular travelers. The bus to the BTS should be faster and traffic police should actually do their job directing traffic and ticketing cars in the bus lane. I can't wait until they new train link is completed

  • en



    Worst experience with this airport. 1. The staff is rude. One of the staff was yelling at the customer trying to be with their disabled family member. They must go their separated ways when getting in line. 2. This airport does not support disabled people. People in wheelchairs must use the escalator with no help from staff. If you are permanently in a wheelchair you must have people help you down the escalator. 3. Small airport with long lines. They literally drive people using buses to airplanes where you have climb the stairs up the planes. Very ineffective system. 4. Front desk ticket employee isn’t very intelligent asking a person with disability to provide doctors or hospital document. The wheelchair wasn’t enough...? so they think handicapped people walk around with proof that they are in fact handicapped? Lolz 5. Beware!!! If you are a person with disability you will be the last to board and the last to get off. You will not be treated like how you are in USA and western countries. Update: 6. They do not have a security line for crew and staff. If you are in line for security check, you will wait until all crew and staff to get through first before the checks continue. They will just cut right in front of your face...

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