Green Hostel Ayutthaya (P.U Guest house) i Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya

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ThailandGreen Hostel Ayutthaya (P.U Guest house)



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Hua Ro, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 13000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 35 251 213
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Latitude: 14.3604269, Longitude: 100.5766428

kommentar 5

  • Robin Visser

    Robin Visser


    Rooms are not clean and have a funny smell. Owner is very rude and unreasonable when confronted with these problems. Additional fees are charged for swimming pool, shower and towels. Do yourself a favour and go to another place.

  • en

    knom waan


    PU Inn Resort was fantastic !! Very nice swimming pool and room, very friendly staff. I am Asian, I like Thai hospitality and smile very much, also here. P.S. But some Western customers are very rude and look down to Asian in Thailand or around I saw some 2 men of Europian in P.U Inn. They were very rude and fighting with staff. I heard that 2 men tried not to pay for the room..... I guess they are Dutch or near language speaking. Except this, we enjoyed here very much and made friends of some nice Europian. They are very nice people !! If you are looking for accommodation with swimming pool, stay here !!

  • Alice Zoe

    Alice Zoe


    Our stay at the PU resort was Perfect ! The hotel is very well located, the room beautiful and clean, the swimming pool very pleasant and last but not least, the owner was very nice and helpful. I highly recommend this hotel !

  • en

    Katie Janse van Rensburg


    Excellent location, friendly and helpful staff. It has a nice pool and comfortable beds.

  • Kevin Hemmerijckx

    Kevin Hemmerijckx


    Been travelling and staying in Thailand for years and a pretty good value for money. Locally owned and operated with a flair of Thainess which is great. Location wise smack bang in middle of Ayuthaya action and historic view points. Rooms very good size and clean. Go back there again in my next Ayuthaya visit

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