บ้านท้ายวัง รีสอร์ท อยุธยา i พระนครศรีอยุธยา

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Thailandบ้านท้ายวัง รีสอร์ท อยุธยา



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223/18 หมู่ 8(ชุมชนโรงงานสุรา) ตำบลประตูชัย, พระนครศรีอยุธยา, อำเภอ พระนครศรีอยุธยา พระนครศรีอยุธยา 13000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 35 323 001
internet side: www.baantyewang.com
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Latitude: 14.350514, Longitude: 100.549739

kommentar 5

  • en

    Marco Schneider


    Exellent staff, clean and cared for compound, nice rooms with outdoor showers if u stay on the groundfloor.

  • en



    Extremely nice place. It's my dream to run this kind of guesthouse when over 60. Highly recommend this place to anyone who pursue a peaceful moment in your trip to Ayutthaya.

  • en

    Suchapong Boonsajai


    Great place for stay and relax. Room is clean and cozy. Very peaceful and hideaway from the busy city. The service mind of staffs and owner is really great.

  • Sigmund Huang

    Sigmund Huang


    We had a wonderful tour with a nice hotel and yummy breakfasts here. The host is a kind madam. If you have any attraction to go, you can ask the host freely. She will show you the direction. Also, the tuktuk the host called is with a fair price, so is the motorbike rental. Hope you guys enjoy the tour in Ayutthaya. And don’t forget to have a nice holiday in Baan Tye Wang hotel!

  • Martin Fišnar

    Martin Fišnar


    Beautiful clean big rooms with huge windows. Build-in aircoindition, huge bed, super fast internet and very helpful staff. The best breakfast I had in a long time. Everything in top quality. I might come here just to experience this service again. Everything was so perfect.

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