Chill Out Khao San i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

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ThailandChill Out Khao San



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Soi Ram Butri, 10200, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 2 118 2839
internet side:
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Latitude: 13.759669, Longitude: 100.498491

kommentar 5

  • en

    Louise Veale


    I was glad I was only staying here one night. The rooms did not smell grate and wasn't very clean. We booked it because I'm the reviews were good and it was cheap. Turned out that the reviews were really old and the beds we book were in the hallway next to the stairs. We had to pay extra to be inside the room. And the shower and toilet were in the same room you sleep in, and they was not that clean. This is most likely why the room smelled.

  • Никита Рем

    Никита Рем


    Одно из самых дешевых баров на Као Сане, но с качественными продуктами и добротными коктейлями. Хозяин - Австралиец, довольно приятный человек, с ним можно и поговорить. На территории бара так же есть Хостел, но про него сказать нечего.

  • Pharrell Taylor

    Pharrell Taylor


    Service at the hostel was very good, the guy who oens

  • es

    Sergio F


    Bonito lugar. El dueño es muy amable y tiene bar 24 horas una buena decision quedarse aqui. Lo recomiendo 100%. Un agradable sitio para dormir y para tomar algo.

  • en

    ceirion thomas


    Spent about 9 days here and it's definitely the best hostel i stayed in in Bangkok!! Very friendly staff and the owner is the nicest guy you'll ever meet! The ATM machine down the road swallowed up my card so i had no access to money for a few days until it was sorted and the owner kindly let me have a tab and eat/drink/sleep there as much as I want until I had my card back!! Honestly what a great guy! Even sorted out a taxi for me on my last day and paid for half of it. Large beds/ hot water/ towels provided/ they change the bedding every day/ AC/ large fans for when the AC Is off/ bar downstairs which is cheap and a nice cosy place to sit out the front. Plenty of new faces arriving everyday so don't worry about meeting people! 10/10 from me and I shall be seeing you again very soon!! 🙂

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