Let The Boy Die i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

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ThailandLet The Boy Die



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423-425, Luang Road, 10100, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 99 493 9909
internet side: let-the-boy-die.business.site
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Latitude: 13.7466223, Longitude: 100.5113361

kommentar 5

  • Brock Moote

    Brock Moote


    Best place to go if you like craft brewing and are craving something more interesting than leo. Lots of small batch brews and friendly staff.

  • en

    Dexter Culp


    Learned more about craft brew by speaking with staff and some of the patrons there within 3 pints than I ever did with months of reading and participating in online forums. These guys have a wealth of knowledge and experience. They are at the front lines in the battle for craft brewing in Thailand, so they have unique and interesting perspectives. Despite that, they are extremely down to earth and personable. The majority there, however were local women who appeared as beautiful as they were refined (and clearly with good taste)! If you can appreciate that there's a whole world out there beyond Chang, Leo, Singha, and Hieneken, do your taste buds a favor and stop by LtBD. Try a real beer. My favorite was the Uppercut "Plasma" Pale Ale. But they rotate out new stock frequently; there's always something new on tap.

  • Dean Southall

    Dean Southall


    Nice place about 15 minutes walk from the main train station. 12 Thai taps. Good music and a nice vibe. Free WiFi. Taps cost between 180 and 220 baht, very reasonable.

  • en

    Craig Kuehl


    A nice place to grab a couple craft beers in the land of Leo, Chang, and Singha. Had a friendly chat with one of the American owners. Nice to talk with someone fluent in English. Only complaint is somewhat inflated price of drinks - 180-220 baht per .5L.

  • FoodieOnTour



    Loved the old place. The new one is good and worth a visit. Cleaner more open appeal, much more seating now which takes a bit away from that old 'always busy, always party' feeling. The place caters to Thai people. The live music is quite annoying and too loud, as it is in Thai places. You come for the venue and the beer. The beer is expensive, very but good. The prices went up a bit maybe a bit too much. It starts to hurt to pay 280 thb for a small beer. I would not go every night and I'm critical of overpriced beer venues. I can't judge this place too harsh though. It has a place in my heart and when I'm in the mood I don't mind the overpriced beer. Overall it works somehow. You can try the various beers upfront and you should. Many tasted very unexpected. Make use of the trying policy before you decide on your poison for the night. Go for a visit and see for yourself. I prefer it over many bars in Thong Lor.

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