ZEN Rooms Mahachai Khao San i กรุงเทพมหานคร

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ThailandZEN Rooms Mahachai Khao San



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337 ถนนมหาไชย แขวงสำราญราฎร์, แขวง สำราญราษฎร์ เขต พระนคร กรุงเทพมหานคร 10200, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 2 105 4354
internet side: www.zenrooms.com
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Latitude: 13.7524075, Longitude: 100.5049437

kommentar 5

  • yves frombelgium

    yves frombelgium


    Clean room, inexpensive, good location near wat saket

  • en

    Linda Scott


    Clean room with a big bed and AC. Staff was very friendly and let us keep out luggage there before checkin and after checkout. Good location, reasonably quiet and a very nice roof terrace with a view of the Golden Mountain!

  • alfonso lupo

    alfonso lupo


    Perfect if you want a no thrills clean little room for a cheap price The best thing about this place is the location, it is in the middle of all the things a tourist would want to visit. Because the room is small the air-con gets you comfortable very quickly. Wifi is a good speed but I did lose it a couple of times. Bed felt alright and I was satisfied with how clean the room was. Staff are nice, spoke good English and did my laundry the same day for a cheap price. The walls don't look too nice. Anything in the bathroom will get wet when you have a shower so put the toilet roll and towels outside the door. No windows.

  • Luka Pribanić

    Luka Pribanić


    Good location, and cheap enough, but rooms are very poor, there is tons of noise from the outside (traffic, people,etc), you can't close windows all the way, there are just 2 power outlets (and one of those is used for TV), TV barely has any reception, and just has some local Thai programs, etc. So in total, while cheap and in a relatively good location, we'll never go there again. Btw we've been in two rooms, it"s all pretty much the same...

  • clem vic

    clem vic


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