Woraburi Ayothaya Convention Resort i พระนครศรีอยุธยา

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ThailandWoraburi Ayothaya Convention Resort


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89 M.11 Watkluay Road T.Kamang A. Pranakornsriayuthaya, Pranakornsriayuthaya Thailand, ตำบล หอรัตนไชย Ayutthaya, พระนครศรีอยุธยา 13000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 35 249 600
internet side: www.woraburi.com
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Latitude: 14.348587, Longitude: 100.582578

kommentar 5

  • en

    Michael Liva


    There is no restaurant no bar no service except for breakfast, paid ฿1800 is not worth more than ฿500, plus dodgy aircon

  • Peerapong Ekkawong

    Peerapong Ekkawong


    This hotel is quite old and outdated. However, the location is ok, price is reasonable. You may consider this hotel as budget friendly option for Ayudthaya.

  • Cindy Bogan

    Cindy Bogan


    Very nice venue for conferences. I haven't stayed there.

  • Sytse van Heijst

    Sytse van Heijst


    Guide by CBS travel, we stayed for one night at this hotel. The hotel is no recommendation! For a start the swimming pool was 'under construction', they meant that is wasn't used for decades. Dining wasn't possible and there was no bar. We couldn't open the windows of our room because of the smoke from a shed next to the hotel. The doors of the rooms didn't close properly. Finally breakfast was disappointing. This hotel has to be closed down.

  • en

    Karina Suvapataya


    It's a convention hotel so I guess that says it all. Its convenient since there are several small restaurants nearby. Nice bed and comfortable rooms.

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