Wat Kriangkrai Klang i Kriangkrai

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ThailandWat Kriangkrai Klang


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Kriangkrai, Mueang Nakhon Sawan District, Nakhon Sawan 60000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 56 274 055
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Latitude: 15.7370962, Longitude: 100.1876604

kommentar 5

  • en

    Derek Wollen


    Yes, monkeys galore. Take care, the alpha is bossy and vicious. Just put food down and walk away. The Wat is unimpressive.

  • jin jian

    jin jian


    It was fun monkeys love to eat peanuts instead of bananas. Peanuts cost 20 baht and when you started to throw peanuts on them they started to climb at you.

  • Valentina Fürer

    Valentina Fürer


    I really liked the sassy monkeys. But I recommend staying in the car. Except for when they just got feeded. ;) The place looks well made. The monkeys are treated nicely! There is not that much to see but it is worth a look.

  • Juraj Longauer

    Juraj Longauer


    This place welcomes you with two concrete statues of funny monkeys...but the real monkeys are nasty cheeky creatures that want to rob you of all the food you have. For some of us it was adrenaline experience because of aggressive alpha males. When one of the males decided that the car with the kids inside is his i grabbed the stick and hit him. This was really an adventure for everyone i felt much more comfortable walking here with the stick i suggest you have one at hand as well. You can feed the monkeys while you are inside the cage. Local monks feed monkeys at 4 pm and that was interesting to watch monkey interactions. I recommend this place, you will feel that you are alive!!

  • Rattanachot Srikhongmuang

    Rattanachot Srikhongmuang


    มาที่นี่ตั้งแต่สมัยตอนเป็นเด็กเด็กเลยครับ กลับมาที่นี่อีกครั้งลิงจำนวนลดลงเยอะมากเลยครับ เห็นแม่บอกว่าน่าจะตายช่วงที่น้ำท่วมหนัก ลิงที่นี่ใจดีลงไปให้อาหารกับมือเลยก็ได้ครับไม่ต้องกลัว

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