Tim House i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandTim House


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337 ถนนมหาไชย แขวงสำราญราฎร์ Khwaeng Samran Rat, Khet Phra Nakhon, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10200, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 2 221 4986
internet side: www.tim-house.com
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Latitude: 13.752443, Longitude: 100.5047997

kommentar 5

  • Stuart Busby

    Stuart Busby


    Stopped here for a quick bite to eat in the evening, no queue unlike the other restaurants nearby. Staff were helpful..green curry and noodles were great, nicely washed down by a large bottle of Chang. Reasonably priced too 👍

  • en

    Helen Jones


    Great seafood here and right in the hub of some generally great street food in the area plus clean rooms in a central location

  • Yuri Vyatkin

    Yuri Vyatkin


    Located at a busy intersection of Mahachai and Bamrung Mueang roads, this hotel gives a quick access to many places of old Bangkok. It is only 10 minutes of walking distance to the City Library and Khaosan Road. Surrounded with dozens of temples and museums. Had a good restaurant at the ground floor. The staff is friendly and helpful. You need to get used to the street noises and smells though, but it pays off!

  • en

    Benjamin Holzwart


    No eating allowed inside your room, they have a list on the wall of all the things you can't do. The electrical sockets, have to be played with to charge anything, our air conditioner leaked like crazy, soaking my clothes and shoes and started making loud grinding noises in the night so we had to shut it off. The street food in the area is over priced compared to a lot of places I have been in bangkok

  • yves frombelgium

    yves frombelgium


    Budget accommodation in a central location, lots of good street food in this neighborhood, rooms are simple but adequate with AC and WiFi and hot shower, the TV didn't work however... fantastic rooftop bar with great view of wat saket at night however deserted, what a shame!

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