SF STRIKE BOWL i Pattaya City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Na Kluea, Pattaya City, Bang Lamung District, Chon Buri 20150, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 33 003 600
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Latitude: 12.93426, Longitude: 100.8839495

kommentar 5

  • Magnus W

    Magnus W


    Our lane experienced lots of problems and we lost a lot of time due to it. They eventually moved us to another lane - which also had lots of technical problems, resulting in is waiting for the pins to be reset all the time. Also, they initially only showed us the price per game, 160 baht per person. Not until we explicitly asked, they showed us another price - 250 baht per hour. One of the staff told us we could play one more game even after our hour was up since we had to wait for the lane to function properly. However, in the middle of that game another person said "finished" and so we had to abort on the middle of the game. In short - expensive, frequent lane problems and not very accommodating staff.

  • en

    supercheap rubbishremoval


    The Lady told us at reception that 1 game was 160 baht, after the game was finished she tried to charge us all for 7 extras games. Very rude people and rip offs

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    Paul Peter


    Be careful! The price is per game per person. We asked 160 baht for one game and the lady in reception said yes. If u come with more people very expensive. Never go again.

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    Kelvin Bradshaw


    I would not recommend this as a bowling place to visit if you are expecting a regular bowling experience. The music they play is explicit and loud and there is not enough bowling balls for a half full center. The lanes also shut down very frequently. Not a great experience. Much better atmosphere and service at tops down the road for a cheaper price

  • en

    Craig Slack


    Good place to bowl if you are there when nobody else is during the day. If you go past 6pm, the music is obnoxiously loud and you will not be able to find your bowling ball size. There are not enough bowling balls for people, and we are forced to share 1 ball between two seperate groups of 3 people. They group players in lanes right next to each other so there is little room to move around. Not recommended as a place to bowl. A better place would be the one at tops, due to having more space, lanes, and bowling balls

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