SF Strike Bowl (Mah Boonkrong) i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

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ThailandSF Strike Bowl (Mah Boonkrong)



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444, Phayathai Road, 10330, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 2 268 8888
internet side: www.sfcinemacity.com
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Latitude: 13.745597, Longitude: 100.5300879

kommentar 5

  • en

    Anders Braathen


    7th floor after the gaming hall. Really good place and it has a bar

  • en

    S L


    Disappointed!! The machines are all broken. We bought the bowling buffet for 1 hr and it had some problems all the time. We had to change the lanes for 3 times!! Wasting our time and money!!

  • John-Paul D'aquino

    John-Paul D'aquino


    Well frankly, I will not recommend to you to spend money to play in this bowling place, The lane machine is always malfunction and the service not quite u wanted. So if u really want to play bowling better goto Siam paragon that bowling center is better .

  • en

    R. Verhulst


    Dont go here, it'll only boil up frustration. Everything is way outdated, the only thing that's not been there since 1916 was the price list. The lanes break down every 3-4 throws... not just ours the people next to us had the same problem. The balls are old and greasy. Just dont go!

  • Thaweesit Kanjanawongpaisarn

    Thaweesit Kanjanawongpaisarn


    I used to Kraoke room but the bowling wasn't working so wasted time T T they gave some service next time hope enjoy more ! 3hours playing bowling +karaoke was fun time ! Thank you

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