สำนักงานวิทยทรัพยากร จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย Office of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University i กรุงเทพมหานคร

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Thailandสำนักงานวิทยทรัพยากร จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย Office of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University



🕗 åbningstider

254, ถนน พญาไท, 10330, กรุงเทพมหานคร, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 2 215 0871
internet side: www.chula.ac.th
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 13.7390072, Longitude: 100.5276142

kommentar 5

  • Jefri Tamba

    Jefri Tamba


    My advice is to keep up with the work at Chulalongkorn University. If you slack off and cram in the last week, your GPA will suffer. You should know that studying here will be the hardest experience of your life as this is a very prestige but difficult school, however, the rewards are definitely worth the wait. Amazing job opportunities, internships and you're in the heart of Pathum Wan so there is many things to do. If you're looking for a party school, this is definitely not it. You have to work hard here, but remember that nothing good comes easy.

  • just4fun !

    just4fun !


    It's a local park, so not really an attraction in the same way a famous temple is, but it's a really nice, modern design for a park, not really typical of a conventional style. There is a kids' play area there, mostly based around a variety of ramp-style slides of different grades for kids. It's designed as a multi-use, large open space, so really worth a visit if someone happens to be in that area, or probably more ideal for locals. I'm Park is a shopping complex next door, right beside it, and the Sam Yan food court and local market is on the other side (a block or so away, on the other side of a parking lot), so there are places to eat and buy things nearby, if that comes up.

  • en

    M. W.


    Great University. Friendly university staff. Very good teaching. Amazing campus

  • SID Siam Innoventure Drive

    SID Siam Innoventure Drive


    CU Toyota Hamo, an ultra-compact electrical vehicle connected with IoT, is the latest innovative technology that was brought from Japan to Chula by Toyota company with the aim to become CU smart city. Hope this environmental friendly EV will change the way of students commute in the university and surrounding areas in the near future. - By Siam Innoventure Drive for Siam Innovation District -

  • 李植苗



    Almost every faculty has a canteen and the food in the university is so cheap and delicious~~~ sometimes there is a food market in front of Faculty of economics.

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