Royal Phuket City Hotel i ตลาดใหญ่

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandRoyal Phuket City Hotel


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Phang-Nga Road, 83000, ตลาดใหญ่, อำเภอเมืองภูเก็ต, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 76 233 333
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Latitude: 7.882788, Longitude: 98.394821

kommentar 5

  • Caroline Boysen

    Caroline Boysen


    154 - one of the Restaurants of the Hotel ! waited 20 minutes for a coffee, a water and a so called healthy sandwich. the sandwich was made with old hard tasteless bread, salmon, tomatoes and salad - far too expensive. staff was annoyed that I wanted to sit outside - there are better coffeeshops at Phuket town !

  • Tae V

    Tae V


    Old style but value for money, They serve the breakfast with fabulous view

  • Jakkarin Thepvong

    Jakkarin Thepvong


    Good venue for convention and event. City center. A bit old but the location is good.

  • en

    Viv Fisher


    Great hotel, facilities are extremely good nice coffee shop too

  • Stephen Pitkin

    Stephen Pitkin


    Stayed here for couple nights after my son broke his leg.supposed to be wheelchair freindly. Had to squeeze past a concrete post to access entry ramp and the room was on 16th floor as far away as possible from lift( elevator). Negotiating entrance to toilets without assistance was a major challenge. Had to use service lift to get to buffet breakfast. Having said that food was good and staff very helpful while we were there.

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