Plodd Stop(Overlanders Accommodation) i Nongprue

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ThailandPlodd Stop(Overlanders Accommodation)



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Coordinates 12*56.585 100*56.101 (Google) Kamoonsri 82/11 moo 1 Soi, Porprapanimit 13 T, Nongprue, Banglamung Pattaya City, Chon Buri 20260, Tajlandia
kontakter telefon: +66 81 175 6609
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Latitude: 12.942979, Longitude: 100.935081

kommentar 5

  • en

    Marcel Kratzer


    We stayed here fore 4 nights - it was great! Clean showers & Toilets and a nice relaxing area with a pool table on the roof! And Dave and Leslie was soo friendly to us! Great place to stay - highly recommend it!

  • th
  • ประจักษ์ ประกอบกิจ

    ประจักษ์ ประกอบกิจ


    สะอาด กว้าง

  • Klaus Gattringer

    Klaus Gattringer


    We got to know Dave and Les through the Overlanding community, and Dave helped us a lot with an car related issue. So we thought to visit them on our way to Koh Chang to say thanks in person. The Plodd Stop is great and Dave and Les, being Overlanders themselves put a lot of thought into the Plodd Stop and the things Overlanders do need. There is really everything you could possibly think of. Its a joy to stay here and next to The Plodd Stop being a great place Dave, Les and Tillie are lovely people to spend time with. So we have a hotspot in Pattaya we will defintely visit again. Seriously, those guys are great examples for what makes the overlanding community so special - they put all the hassle on them and build a whole place for crazy people like us.

  • en

    Guido Bohlmann


    We know Les & Dave for a while and traveled with them through China and used their facility "Plodd Stop" in Thailand. They are a lovely and helpful couple and made our stay at the Plodd Stop very pleasant. We got our truck-camper (TC) ready for shipping while based their. Plodd Stop provided facilities for cleaning including washing machine and we could carry out minor repairs their, too. Dave helped us finding a car wash big enough for our truck. The place is nearby and they did a good job of cleaning TC from top (roof) to bottom (undercarriage including engine) for a reasonable price. Not far from Plodd Stop is also a very helpful mechanic who helped us out with parts and welding. In the same road are also two good bakeries serving European and Thai cuisine. Overall, Plodd Stop is a good address for giving yourself and your vehicle a rest. Enjoy! pagutravels

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