Phuket Center Apartment i Phuket

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandPhuket Center Apartment


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Talat Nuea, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket 83000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 76 213 416
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Latitude: 7.882238, Longitude: 98.3890468

kommentar 5

  • Jazzy Walker

    Jazzy Walker


    A nice clean room. The hotel is in the centre of Phuket so a lot of things are walking distance

  • en

    OnThis Rock


    What a dump! NOISY. LOUD. DIRTY. Poor customer service. First, they said they could not honor my reservation even when I had confirmed reservation on Agoda. I finally got a room, and it was old and depressing. Staff didn't care. Almost smirked when they sent me to the room, so I knew something was up. I could hear stomping and banging all night long. No sound insulation. The lobby is drab with no place to sit or relax. I would NEVER come back here. This was also how I experienced all of Phuket. Ignorant, rude, smirking and mocking foreigners as they take your money. Also, the massage place next door was good. But beware, as soon as you are done with your massage, the owner comes out to harass you into buying more massages. I couldn't wait to leave this island. Bad behavior, just everywhere. Everywhere.

  • Clement Paquette

    Clement Paquette


    very nice place? relatively quiet... clean close to old town, nice and friendly staff . the only negative is having to change wifi passwords every 24 hours

  • John Skudlarek

    John Skudlarek


    Decent facilities and friendly staff. I wouldn't say its anything special, but I've enjoyed my time here.

  • en

    Helmut Wulff


    Clean, inexpensive accommodation close to transport, food and attractions in phuket town. Staff are always friendly and helpful.

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