Nong Nooch Village Ltd. i สัตหีบ

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandNong Nooch Village Ltd.



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34/1 ม.7 ต.นาจอมเทียน อ.สัตหีบ สัตหีบ Amphoe Sattahip, Chang Wat Chon Buri 20250, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 38 709 358
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Latitude: 12.766016, Longitude: 100.930709

kommentar 5

  • Sukumar shah

    Sukumar shah


    When you are in Pattaya, this is must visit place. Normally travel operators take you to the place and not giving any time to visit botanical garden where you can see excellent bonsais & replica of animals. Both shows Thai cultural show & elephant shows are very nice but visit to garden is icing on cake. When you are here negotiate with travel operator & spend couple of hours & visit garden. During visit keep your cameras ready to capture some memories

  • Claude Charpentier

    Claude Charpentier


    The prehistoric park with animals replicas is great. Thai and elephants shows are not really interested and are made for Chinese tourists who are 95 % of the public. 1300 bahts seem to be expensive for the interest

  • Vincenzo Squillace

    Vincenzo Squillace


    Beautyful garden for do many many photo have little zoo too many place for eat funny

  • Bella Adnantio

    Bella Adnantio


    i love this place. there is an elephant show and a flower garden. great place for a holiday

  • narayan deshmukh

    narayan deshmukh


    Pleasant place, elephant show, Nong Nooch theatre, elephant ride and dinasour park are amazing...good indian restaurant available

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