Nak Nakara Hotel i เชียงราย

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ThailandNak Nakara Hotel


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661 ถนนอุตรกิจ เชียงราย Amphoe Mueang Chiang Rai, Chang Wat Chiang Rai 57000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 53 717 700
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.910576, Longitude: 99.835542

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kirk and Stephanie Clawson


    Beautiful! Staff is VERY friendly and accommodating. The rooms are beautiful and user friendly. Enough space for everyone. The pool area is perfect! Lobby is clean and they offer free pastries to the guests. Breakfast is wonderful. Lots to chose from. Highly recommended this hotel.

  • Levi Brown

    Levi Brown


    The staff are brilliant. They are very helpful and friendly, and went the extra mile to make our stay as easy as possible. The facilities are clean and well presented.

  • en

    Carol Robinson


    Our second time at this hotel. Lovely hotel surroundings. Nice clean large rooms. Great staff, Very Very Helpful.👍⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • en

    Mischa Stamm


    The picture quality of the TV is unacceptable. The shower is in need of renovation. The water pressure is not constant. The room for breakfast buffet too small. We had to wait for a free place to have breakfast in the covered room. The coffee is excellent. The gym is poorly equipped. The Internet is slow. The staff is very friendly and helpful. It was a nice stay for us as a whole. We would have expected much more for the price we paid.

  • en

    Simon Ioffe


    Very friendly staff and a nice room. Lots of "free" things included with the price of your room like snacks, drinks, shuttle and a gift at departure. The location isn't bad, but does take 15-20 minutes to walk to the center

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