Myawaddy Complex i Myawaddy

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ThailandMyawaddy Complex



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Myawaddy, Myanmar (Burma)
kontakter telefon: +66 36 288 867
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Latitude: 16.6960184, Longitude: 98.4983483

kommentar 5

  • en

    David Hall


    Its a place to get you to spend $ if your on a buget its not 4u As for the Duty free its not that much cheaper if your staying 4**** up then it maybe for you Most people are wanting to see Burma or Thailand Its not one or the other They are building a highway direct to it Looks like it will get bigger Think they want to make another golden triangle♢

  • en

    brian wyatt


    If you want to drop some coin then this could be the place. Had a relaxing meal and some cold beers with some nice live entertainment.

  • Michael Wang

    Michael Wang


    very nice place. casino

  • Leo Howard

    Leo Howard


    Good service, clean and well decorated. Smoking is allowed inside the casino but it has a room for non smoking to sit and order food and beverage so you can bring kids. Plenty kinds of low price wine and beer to buy in the another building. No passport is needed and it opens 24 hours. Just jump on the boat for 2 mins from bank to bank. I highly recommend to visit Myawaddy Complex and have some fun.

  • nithat klaipan

    nithat klaipan


    Myawaddy Complex; a casino, restaurant and duty free complex just over the border into Burma. The best part is you don’t need any passport to cross over, just hop into the boat that ferries people from bank to bank and enjoy Burmese beers, a little bit of gambling and some cheap wines and alcohol. It’s open 24 hours too, so anytime of night you feel you need a top up, head on over. We however, after a long day of adventure, head to bed.

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