ลพบุรีอินน์ รีสอร์ท Lopburi Inn Resort i Tha Sala

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Thailandลพบุรีอินน์ รีสอร์ท Lopburi Inn Resort



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Tha Sala, Mueang Lop Buri District, Lopburi 15000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 36 420 777
internet side: www.lopburiinnresort.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 14.7927427, Longitude: 100.6804178

kommentar 5

  • Dave Curby

    Dave Curby


    Place has interesting statues

  • en

    Jerome Loos


    Comfortable hotel, big rooms. Big Monkey statues everywhere. Nice for the price. Like most hotels this one doesn't know what a good breakfast is anymore. Hopefully there are other options in Lopburi like ZonCafe for instance.

  • Andy Gocher

    Andy Gocher


    By far the best hotel in Lopburi, rooms are basic but clean and functional, the hotel staff have been great, very helpful and super friendly service from everyone I met. I would recommend this hotel.

  • Ms. Jerry

    Ms. Jerry


    Price for the room is good, and near the center of the city. Every room has parking space upfront. It has wide pool surrounded by big green trees.

  • Alan Trinder

    Alan Trinder


    Out of town and just off Highway 1 the Lopburi Inn resort is a convenient overnight stop with its own slant on things. Its own slant being the large number of monkey statues littered in and around the whole place. Rooms are large, very spacious and whilst not fitted with the latest fittings for the television or bathroom, everything works and the room is comfortable. There is a large swimming pool and you can usually park right outside your room. Dining is very Thai style with music and karaoke in the background, some western dishes are available but regrettably the Monkey beer is no longer for sale.

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