Le Méridien Chiang Rai Resort, Thailand i Tambon Robwieng

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ThailandLe Méridien Chiang Rai Resort, Thailand



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221 / 2 Moo 20 Kwaewai Road, Tambon Robwieng, Amphur Muang, Tambon Robwieng, Chiang Rai, Chang Wat Chiang Rai 57000, Tajlandia
kontakter telefon: +66 53 603 333
internet side: www.lemeridienchiangrai.com
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Latitude: 19.9222726, Longitude: 99.8545969

kommentar 5

  • en

    Monika Long


    Beautiful property and rooms. Excellent restaurant. My daughter really enjoyed the kids club and wanted to go every day. I relaxed by the pool while she was there and it was such a blessing. You can view the river from the pool.

  • sutathip Promnoi

    sutathip Promnoi


    ห้องพักสะอาดและกว้างขวาง อุปกรณ์อำนวยความสะดวกค่อนข้างครบครัน ห้องพักวิวสวย ติดแม่น้ำกก ตอนเย็นเห็นพระอาทิตย์ค่อยๆตกดิน สวยมากกก (พักที่ตึก 5) เห็นวิวสระว่ายน้ำซึ่งอยู่ใกล้ๆกับแม่น้ำอีกด้วย ดีเกือบหมดละ ยกเว้นในห้องน้ำไม่ทีที่ฉีดทำความสะอาดที่โถ เศร้าตรงนี้มาก T-T

  • Blake Stephens

    Blake Stephens


    By far the nicest and most service oriented hotel I’ve stayed at. Prices were excellent, food was amazing, hotel staff anticipates your needs and are always checking in with you if need something. Brought a group of 12 here and they accommodated all of our needs, travel etc. while it’s not walkable, there are three nice restaurants off site (if you need them) that are high end, but also reasonably priced. It’s a 10 minute taxi to the markets and centered among other destinations in Chang Rai. Would highly recommend.

  • gabriele pescarini

    gabriele pescarini


    This is a classic Meridien in Asia. High level of standard, large ballroom and pavilions. The structure is in the middle of a large garden with extraordinary threes. Breakfast is good but not outstanding. Room are large and comfortable. However they have a big problem of humidity. Unfortunately I discovered only after leaving that the hotel was able to provide an humidity machine .Despite that I feel that the hotel should place it in the room before the arriving of guests.

  • Jonathan Wright

    Jonathan Wright


    Beautiful and very comfy hotel with great customer service and amenities for the whole family. Pool is nice. View of the river is nice. Food is very good. If you like yoga, grab a clean mat (yes, they are clean) from the fitness center and head over to the tranquil spa area by the river. The hotel is not within walking distance to anything but it's easy to take a free shuttle or taxi into the town area and quickly escape back to the hotel.

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