Laithong Hotel(อุบลราชธานี) i ตำบล ในเมือง

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ThailandLaithong Hotel(อุบลราชธานี)


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50 Pichit Rangsan Road, ตำบล ในเมือง อำเภอเมืองอุบลราชธานี อุบลราชธานี 34000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 45 264 271
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Latitude: 15.2337537, Longitude: 104.868083

kommentar 5

  • en

    shaharin abdullah


    Clean and great breakfast

  • Jim Ball

    Jim Ball


    Very good hotel close to the city centre. Very comfortable room and amazing breakfast. Will certainly be staying in the hotel next time I am in Ubon.

  • Matthew Todd

    Matthew Todd


    Comfy hotel, great location, if old. A hotel that is centrally located is a great draw, and the service was excellent, with staff happy to help and assist in any way. Clean rooms. Good food. Negatives on being an older hotel, and not having enough power outlets to charge devices and work from, but that is understandable. A power strip would be handy though.

  • robert g

    robert g


    Nice older hotel with bar and an all you can eat buffet lunch. I am sure dinners are served there too but not stayed there.

  • Bobby LEE

    Bobby LEE


    A little bit old but still clean and nice service mind of the employees. Well known hotel in Ubon downtown. Serving western+Thai breakfast. Airport concierge service and local guide service are good. Rooms are clean. Have a small pool on 3rd floor. Considering the price and location, it would be good option for people coming to rest.

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