KJ PLACE (หอพัก เคเจ เพลส) i ตำบลบางเสาธง

ThailandKJ PLACE (หอพัก เคเจ เพลส)


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บางนาการ่เค้น ซอย 5, 10540, ตำบลบางเสาธง, อำเภอ บางเสาธง, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 2 707 1608
internet side: kjp.co.th
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Latitude: 13.6023559, Longitude: 100.8352879

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kamal Kumar



  • en

    nithi rattanavicha


    love it

  • Zarif Ahmed

    Zarif Ahmed


    A good place to be at. Nice rooms although may have some slight problems but u can talk it out

  • Alaa Addin

    Alaa Addin


    Cheap Rent starting at 5000Baht per month and the Building is pretty new.... Excellent cleaning service and their Laindry services. The restaurant at the 1st they make delicious foods and its also cheap!

  • Sydd Subba

    Sydd Subba


    International student at ABAC. Lovely atmosphere with a gym good enough for intermediates. The staff? Trust me, best around Bang Na. How do I know? I've been around for years. 😊 recommend you to stay here

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