Fairyland Plaza i Chang Wat Nakhon Sawan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandFairyland Plaza



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ดาวดึงส์ ปากน้ำโพ, Daowadung, 60000, Amphoe Mueang Nakhon Sawan, Chang Wat Nakhon Sawan, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66
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Latitude: 15.7039434, Longitude: 100.1362821

kommentar 5

  • Aksarapak Puwanawiroj

    Aksarapak Puwanawiroj


    Good department store. U can buy everything.

  • Jørgen VISHOLM

    Jørgen VISHOLM


    Food court cheap and OK. Building old and needs refurbishment. Chinese owner I believe. Lifts been out of order for several months. Try to keep the mall alive with small food shops like Burger Lab which is expensive food and a lousy place. No customers either and terrible seating. Now this place is closed and changed owner. A new superoptimist try to make business, but will likely close after a few month. This citymall is dying. 😴 Got a Mr D.I.Y in base floor where the old Robinson was. They have thousands of items. Check it out 😁

  • pitibenz



    Good place to visit. Now with many local famous food stalls gathered in one place.

  • Maddin Loehr

    Maddin Loehr


    Nice small mall with a lot delicious restaurants and local food sellers. NEW is a good sorted shop with a lot of daily things and tools for the household. Although you can find ATM'S there and a lot bank branches.

  • TravelLife inThailand

    TravelLife inThailand


    Dated department store but it's getting better. Fairyland has been inviting many local restaurants to open in the mall. So it's convenient to find something to eat here. But it really needs refurbishment since the building is very old. I do support local community but something need to be done here.

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