Embassy of Russia i กรุงเทพมหานคร

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandEmbassy of Russia



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78, Sap Road, 10500, กรุงเทพมหานคร, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 2 234 9824
internet side: thailand.mid.ru
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 13.7296139, Longitude: 100.52752

kommentar 5

  • And Rey

    And Rey


    Like revisited Russia. So many rude people at one place, and all of them behind the windows. Especially woman at window #3. Security check is crazy, looks like they already pissed off so many people, so now they afraid of them to return

  • en

    Anton CJ


    Submission for tourist visa took about an hour and a half (mainly waiting to pay - do note that no cash is accepted) but the Visa collection, exactly one week later, was a breeze at only 5 minutes. Both dates were on Tuesdays and the week straddled the Songkran holidays - this was the Normal service, not Express. Entrance to the Visa section is on Soi Santiphap. Conclusion: the Russian consulate works faster than many others in Bangkok, e.g. Portuguese. Spassibo!!

  • Andrew M. Bingham

    Andrew M. Bingham


    Very kind and professional. Was able to get a 3 year tourist visa with U.S. passport rushed while only being in Thailand on a tourist visa. One of the better experiences I ever had getting a visa . Thank you!

  • Алена Макурина

    Алена Макурина


    If you can avoid the consulate. It is not so easy and very nervous to get any kind of document in the window #3. But you'll get some relief in window #1, where is actually nice woman. I think till that woman from 3rd window is there the whole Russian embassy will lose

  • Amy M

    Amy M


    If you can, go to any other embassy. The woman at the consular office was unbelievably rude and unprofessional. Furthermore, I was charged an extra $50 for my visa. When I showed the price on the website, they insisted it was a "new price" and the website would be updated to reflect this. They refused to show me anywhere that this "new price" was written. Two weeks later, it has not been updated, and they did not return my receipt when I picked-up my visa. Additionally, my name was misspelled on my documents despite this not being my first Russian visa. One positive thing: yes, the queue does move quickly.

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