Dusit Island Resort Chiang Rai i เวียง

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ThailandDusit Island Resort Chiang Rai


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1129, ถ.ไกรสรสิทธิ์, 57000, เวียง, เมือง, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 53 607 999
internet side: www.dusit.com
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Latitude: 19.9177732, Longitude: 99.8271586

kommentar 5

  • Zhang W

    Zhang W


    The service in this hotel is very good. You can enjoy the beautiful views around the building, it's a wonderful experience.

  • en

    Joan Grace


    Beautiful location. Very clean. Staff very polite and attentive. Nothing is too much trouble. Would not hesitate to return.

  • Rayvat Utamote

    Rayvat Utamote


    The room is comfortable. At it located in the city of Chiang Rai and the tourist can access to the inner city by taxi or tuk tuk. There is a small river nearby and some rooms offer mountain view. The only my disappointment is the wifi strength in my room is very poor. I also like the musicians at the bar, one on the violin and the other on the piano although they don't play together.

  • Smeghead McSmeg

    Smeghead McSmeg


    Overall, a superb 5-star hotel. Beautiful grounds, great staff and rooms that the most demanding Hollywood starlet would find difficult to complain about. My one whinge is the frankly inexplicable decision to leave the fitness room at an ambient temperature of 26°C. And no fans for e use of the clients. But they saw fit to have one in the gym office. So, an office worker needs to keep cool, but people sweating in the gym don't? The place deserves 5 stars, if you discount the fitness room, which is about what one can expect while travelling. But trying to get the daily miles in on the treadmill, in the heat and humidity of Thailand, could have been made much easier had they left a free standing oscillating fan in the room for the guests' use. And drop the temperature to something a little cardiac arrest inducing.

  • Ellen Sheppard

    Ellen Sheppard


    You'll feel like royalty! A classy, polished, refined facility with impeccable service, beautiful grounds, great food, and incredible views. It's a large place and the lay out is a little confusing, but that makes it even more fun to wander. The organic garden is huge and worth the 20 minutes it'll take you to scroll through it. Beautiful pool and luxurious affiliated spa for massages. Rooms are large and beautifully furnished. From our room we could see a brightly illuminated giant Buddha on a distant hillside until the wee hours. A true "will never forget" experience!

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