Centara Hotel & Convention Centre Udon Thani i Amphur Muang

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ThailandCentara Hotel & Convention Centre Udon Thani



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277/1 Prajaksillapakhom Road, Amphur Muang, Udon Thani, อุดรธานี 41000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 42 343 555
internet side: www.centarahotelsresorts.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 17.406589, Longitude: 102.800487

kommentar 5

  • en

    Martin Dudzinski


    Architecture is very impressive. Spacious.quality finishes.all facilities of top class hotel.

  • en

    Jinyeung Chae


    Okay cost and okay place. Convenient place for shopping and staying because just next door is the shopping complex place. You could see lots of foreigners around here too. I guess its good to stay.

  • en

    Gabriele v


    Service was awesome, although the room itself was sub-par. Rooms were nice, the windows were dirty and the roof had cracks. Service was good, though.

  • Jub Chutimar

    Jub Chutimar


    Great location next Central department store... Few minutes to all attractions and restaurants near by But a bit disappointed with the quality of the room with the Centara brand... The bathroom equipment installation is loosed

  • Erwin Marsilje

    Erwin Marsilje


    I think this is the best hotel in Udon Thani. We have a junior suite and it was good. The room is big enough and clean. The lobby is very beautiful and personal are friendly.

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