Car Rental Bangkok i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

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ThailandCar Rental Bangkok



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999/9, Rama I Road, 10330, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 98 998 8879
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Latitude: 13.746411, Longitude: 100.53952

kommentar 5

  • Thaisportcar supercarrental

    Thaisportcar supercarrental


  • th

    utt crowndiamond


  • en

    pornpam king


    good service

  • en

    Yoshi Nakamoto


    It was a strange experience and not one for the faint hearted. I rented a BMW 3 series and the car was good. It was expensive but I couldn’t find any other company offering sports cars. This service seems mainly targeted at locals but defiantly not for foreigners. It seems very dodgy at first as there is no show room or location and I dealt with the boss on what’s app. I took the leap of faith and handed over my details praying I wouldn’t have a case of identity fraud. Anyway the car turned up the next day delivered by a young guy who couldn’t speak English so that made things unnerving and interesting. They had a form to fill in but mostly in Thai and he didn’t do the detailed checks that would usually be done when renting a car. Things to look out for a the times you need to bring it back, I got caught out but it was my own fault for not reading the contract. Next tip is you will need cash deposit so make sure you get it out in advance as ATMs will only allow 25k baht withdrawal per day on foreign cards. I ended handing my passport over for deposit as I couldn’t draw out the money he needed for deposit. Anyway In summary I got the car, it drove well, I handed it back and after a long wait to get my passport - because they forgot to bring it - everything was ok. I think most people would of given it 3 stars because it was amateurish but I couldn’t find anyone else mad enough to let me have a sports car so I’ll bump it up.

  • pom thai

    pom thai


    Thank you guys, you made my wedding party great! Everyone should try out Prestige in Bangkok. Great customer service great-looking cars too

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