Buddy Boutique Inn i กรุงเทพมหานคร

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ThailandBuddy Boutique Inn



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66, Chakrabongse Road, 10200, กรุงเทพมหานคร, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 2 629 1177
internet side: www.buddyboutiqueinn.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 13.7593525, Longitude: 100.4954611

kommentar 5

  • Patrick Garrett

    Patrick Garrett


    Really close to everything but without the noise! Which is perfect, it's hidden away nicely down an alley! You also get use of the gym and swimming pool of it's sister hotel just down the road!

  • Ade Sonny Martin

    Ade Sonny Martin


    Staying here for two night, the room is nice and spacious. The receptionist is very helpful with us even though our English is limited.

  • Scott Robinson

    Scott Robinson


    The room was alot smaller than expected and the walls were all concrete with no paint. The "pool" was at a different location at there other hotel. Staff always seemed pre occupied with there phones, but the location was great.

  • Derryn Bracey

    Derryn Bracey


    Great place with really friendly and helpful staff. Close enough to the buddy hostel to go for a swim or to the gym, plus you get all the other Buddy group benefits (read: booking tours at fantastic prices)

  • Angela Dalton

    Angela Dalton


    One of the better places to stay on bangkok. If you want somewhere to lay your head at night with AC then this is the place for you. Very comfortable beds and the staff are very pleasant. You do have to pay for any items you use in the fridge including tea and coffee but for the price its a good deal. We stayed here for 4 days. Would recommend

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