BP Rent Service i Pattaya City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandBP Rent Service



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Na Kluea, Pattaya City, Bang Lamung District, Chon Buri 20150, Tajlandia
kontakter telefon: +66 85 083 5089
internet side: www.bp-rentals.net
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Latitude: 12.9221366, Longitude: 100.9031459

kommentar 4

  • Eak Pixelmania

    Eak Pixelmania


  • th

    Wichai 2499


  • Philippe Nijs

    Philippe Nijs


    very good service

  • Eliana Ramirez

    Eliana Ramirez


    Staff and owner were very nice, friendly and eager for your service in the beginning. My boyfriend and I rented a motorbike for 5 days. They brought us an old looking motorbike with barely any gas in it and said we had to go and fill it ourselves. We were not too happy with that but we took it anyway knowing that we can just bring it back to them as empty as they gave it to us. On our 4th day we were on our way to Buddha Mountain and the back tire just popped. We checked it to see if we ran over a nail but there was no hole to be seen. We were stuck with no phones, 35 minutes away from the BP rentals and surrounded by Thais that did not speak English but could direct us to a motorbike repair shop about 10 minutes from us. We walked the bike to the repair shop and they told us that the inner tube popped because it was very very old. They fixed it, charged us 160 baht and gave us a receipt to bring back to our rental place. By that time BP rentals was already closed and we could not tell them. We brought the motorbike back the next morning and told the two Thai ladies (owner was not there) what happened and they basically told us that we should of called when it happened and that we would not get our money back for fixing their old motorbike. 1. We did not have a phone that did not work without wifi. 2. They were closed. 3. We did what an adult would do and fixed ourselves. We asked to speak with the the owner and they would not call him for us after we asked 20 times. They basically told us to f**k off with the worst attitudes. We looked in the contract and nowhere does it say that we have to call them when something happens. That's not how people should do business. We highly recommend not going to BP Rentals. It's not worth the trouble. Worst business and customer service we have experienced in all of Thailand. Period.

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